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Databases A-Z
A-Z Database List
Full list of Databases the library subscribes to, including trial access.
Houses more than 9,000 primary and secondary sources including newspapers, magazines, narratives, and letters of correspondence and images that actually show students moments and elements of daily life throughout history
It enables students to fully grasp the events of the genocides and the factors that led to them, showing them repeating patterns in history and giving them the agency to work to diminish hatred that could lead to future genocides.
all of the things that students find interesting about today’s culture, in the context of America’s past. It is a complement to any social studies course about life in America since the 1900s and an outstanding resource for research and discovery.
Houses more than 5,400 primary and secondary sources, including more than 2,800 photos and illustrations and more than 220 audio and video recordings
Featuring articles and essays from African American authors and contributors, it gives voice to the experience of African Americans from their arrival in the Americas through to the present day, including the influence of the black community on popular culture and the aspirations of African Americans as expressed, for example, through the campaign of hope on which Barack Obama ran in 2008.
Featuring articles and essays from Native American authors and contributors, it gives voice to the American Indian experience with respect to colonial conflict, trade economies, decisive wars, parsing of Native American land enabled by American policy, assimilation, and native claims to land, among other topics.
The effect is to elucidate the global impact of these military conflicts that have defined our world from antiquity to today such that students and researchers may develop a deeper, critical appreciation of both the history of the world and the human costs of war.
Contains more than 10,000 authoritative reference articles, including biographies and discussions of important places, events, movements, ideas, artifacts, and organizations
Daily Life World Folklore and Folklife is an invaluable multicultural and multidisciplinary resource that offers an exciting, multimedia gateway to social history and social studies. Tracing the origins and development of all aspects of traditional cultures around the world, it bridges the gap between past and present.
Daily Life World Folklore and Folklife allows users to research topics from scary stories to gender roles with ease. Thousands of folktales have been specially indexed to be searchable by subject and tale type, region, or country. Supporting the curriculum in the areas of world cultures, history, arts, literature, and language, this expansive database is the only electronic resource broad enough to provide both folk material and the textual content needed to understand it.
Highlights: Contains profiles of nearly 200 countries, from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe, providing a portrait of each nation's geographical features, recent and early history, culture, politics, and economy, plus more than 600 political and topographical maps to situate readers
The advisor for this collection is J. Gordon Melton, PhD, author of more than 40 scholarly texts and reference books on religion, and a Distinguished Senior Fellow of the Institute for Religious Studies at Baylor University in Texas.
It identifies values the government has traditionally upheld and how the government of today continues to reflect those values, while simultaneously examining changes that the government has undergone since the nation’s founding.
Houses more than 16,000 primary and secondary sources, including government and court documents, photos, maps, audio and video recordings, and more
Full-text articles from scholarly journals and literary magazines are combined with critical essays, work and topic overviews, full-text works, biographies, and more to provide a wealth of information on authors, their works, and literary movements. Researchers at all levels will find the information they need, with content covering all genres and disciplines, all time periods and all parts of the world.
See what GVRL can make possible for your students and faculty when you deliver more than 12,000 eBooks from over 100 industry-leading publishers for every discipline and a unique research experience with.