Quick 1-step search of many of the WHRHS Library databases!
Databases contain articles taken from books, encyclopedias, magazines, websites, newscasts and other information formats. The databases offer you current, accurate, unbiased, reviewed information. Most databases give you citation information in MLA format and others.
An Article DatabaseArticle databases (also called periodical databases) include the citations, abstracts or brief summaries, and full text of articles in magazines, journals and newspapers. An example of an article database that is available through the WHRHS Library is EBSCOhost. |
Subject Oriented Databases Rather than build one massive, centralized database, most companies are building numerous subject-oriented databases. Examples of a few subject databases at WHRHS are Opposing Viewpoints, A-Z World Cultures and Global Issues in Context. Use Databases Use an article database when your topic is contemporary and current information is needed. Check the library for subject databases that are relevant to your topic. For ex., Science in Context would be a good choice for the topic "What are the effects of acid rain?" |