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Griffith: Technology: Podcast Episode Student Planning Guide

Student Planning Guide

Podcast Episode - Student Planning Guide Podcaster:

  1. Who is your AUDIENCE for this episode?

  2. What is the TITLE of your podcast episode?

  3. What will be your FORMAT? (for example: who will actually be heard in the recording? should you have a host? are you interviewing someone? or will it only be you? Are you recording something in real time?)

  4. What segments are you planning for your podcast episode?

    1. Introduction (ask a question? tell a joke, be excited, hook the listener)

    2. Segment 1 (this is your first subtopic, create a script to read during the podcast)

    3. Segment 2 (this is your second subtopic, create a script to read during the podcast)

    4. Segment 3 (this is your third  subtopic, create a script to read during the podcast)

    5. Conclusion (share a summary of your episode, shout out another podcaster for the listener to go and hear next, or  get them excited about your next episode)

  5. What will be the approximate length of the podcast?

  6. What type of sounds or music will help you communicate your topic to listeners? (For example, if you are creating a podcast about how to sleep  better, you won’t use music transitions that are really loud or distracting. Instead you could pick birds chirping, wind chimes or sounds of the ocean.


Tips and Tricks - Before you submit your podcast, check off each task below:

  • Be yourself! Let the listener hear your unique speaking style and personality

  • Speak clearly and loud enough so we don’t have to turn the volume up

  • Tell stories in your podcast, people like stories so it doesn’t get boring

  • Practice before you record and find a quiet place to record

  • Record short portions of audio at a time (you can put it all together later)

  • If you don’t like how a segment sounds, re-record it!

  • Get feedback from a friend before you publish it (friends - be kind, helpful and specific about what can be improved during their episode)